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Monday, 27 January 2020 12:55

ONE CHILD NATION - Documentary - Review

Language: Mandarin/English
Country: China
Released in 2019

Amazon Original

It was a lazy Friday afternoon, I had just finished a great series and was not in the mood to start another, Instead I wanted to browse for some light hearted documentaries or movies. The name One Child Nation caught my eye (in Amazon Prime). I thought it would talk about the pangs of growing up as only child with no siblings and no uncles, aunts and cousins if it were a second generation child. But this documentary was about how this policy was implemented in China. I was devastated would be an understatement. Even now, after three days I am reeling under its impact, completely shattered, tears rolling down as I type these words.
On the one hand, the propaganda machine was brainwashing people from 1979 to 2015 that one child policy was a brilliant idea of the government to save the people from starvation and poverty. On the other hand the government was awarding 120 Yuan for reporting about your neighbor who is second time pregnant. Women were forcefully carried away, aborted, induced delivery and the child killed, forced sterilizations and what not. If a woman bore a second child having escaped all these atrocities the child was taken away, even if it was a twin one of them was separated from the parents. Millions of children who were passed off as orphans were given for international adoption.
The worst was not done by the government, it was the people! Like all Asians their obsession for a male child made them do the unspeakable. If the one child was a girl they put her in a basket and left her in the markets for human traffickers to pick up or simply die. So that they can have a male child. There are families who abandoned up to three girls to finally have a male child. I was horrified at the collective inhumanity of the people and their government.
Watch it simply to understand what a blessed life we have, let us spare a minute and think what a secure and free life we are enjoying. Salute to Nanfu Wang for her courage in making this documentary.

Published in Classic Movies
Monday, 30 December 2019 03:40

Thank you Kathadi Ramamurthy sir

Thank you so much Kathadi Ramamurthy Sir!

A true legendary actor, even after 5 decades, his love and passion towards acting is amazing. He continuously performs stage plays even at this age.

He gracefully accepted to talk about his experiences with our father actor ISR.

So we are happy to announce that along with Mr. Delhi Ganesh, Mr. Kathadi Ramamurthy will also feature in our documentary about our father ISR.

A big thanks from ISR Family and ISR Ventures sir!

In the photo (L-R): Mr. Solai (ISR's brother), Mr. Kathadi Ramamurthy and Mr. Ravikumar (ISR's son)

Published in ISR Press Release